Weight Loss

My Graph

Thursday, June 29, 2006

3.2 Miles: Wednesday, June 29

I ran 3.2 miles, but I walked part of it. I'm waking up at 5am, and my body is not happy. At night, I went with the Young Women (provide priesthood support in case of an emergency) to hike the Y. This time it was a lot easier, and it was much nicer in the evening instead of in the heat of the day.

Monday, June 26, 2006

1.7 Miles: Monday, June 26

I ran a short 1.7 miles this morning, but I did it at a fast pace.  I'm trying to get Mel to run with me this evening, too.


Hiked the Y: Saturday, June 24

Melissa and I and the Allen family (Chris, Mandi, and their baby Benjamin) hiked the Y in the hot afternoon sun.  It wasn't a running workout, but it was good exercise for my legs.  Now that school is over for the summer, I can really concentrate on training hard.  Marathon, here I come.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Getting Ready for Finals

I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a while.  I've been busy finishing up this last semester taking exams and working on a major project.  Now I am mostly done.  I have finished the project.  We built instruments to measure the force of a model rocket engine, and we just have to write up the report.  Tomorrow I am going to try and run 14 miles, but I am not sure if it is going to happen, because I have to meet with my group.  I am going to try and do it in the evening.  That is always harder for me.  Starting next week I am hoping to really get going on daily training.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

11.4 miles: Saturday, June 3

Today I ran 11.4 miles, and it hurt. I felt great being able to accomplish it. I got a little lost, and that is why I didn't make it 12 miles. I thought that I had, but when I got home and calculated my new unplanned lost route I was about a half mile short of my goal today. All in all, it was a great training day.

I almost forgot. My friend Chad is wanting to run with me 3 times a week. Between him and Melissa, I will have a lot of help staying on my training schedule.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Training Progress

My training week goes from Saturday through Friday. I have a graph here that shows my planned training mile per week up until the marathon and in pink my actually training miles. As you can see, I did not do as well as I planned. The good thing is that I ran 23.85 miles this training week. The bad thing is that I was suppose to run 34. I am also a little frustrated with my weight. I lost 17 lbs from the beginning of the year, but I have recently put on another 6 as I have increased training. I am fairly confident that this is muscle weight. That is good, but I liked it better when the number on the scale was going down. With the extra muscle, I am hopeful that my metabolism will pick up, and before too long the number on the scale will be going down again.

1.75 Miles: Friday, June 2

Today I was suppose to run 4 miles, but I did not. This is really not the way to get ready for a marathon, but at least I am doing something. I really enjoyed this evening. I conned Melissa into coming with me. She also said that I could get her to come with me 3 times a week for this 1.75 mile run. I think that we are going to do it in the evenings. I have noticed that I run much better early in the morning than in the evening. That makes me happy, because the marathon starts at 7:00am. Thank you Melissa for running with me!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

5.4 Miles: Wednesday, May 31

Today I was suppose to run 8 miles, but I wasn't feeling so hot. I just ran 5.4 miles. Well, to be more accurate, I walked 5.4 miles. I am happy that I at least got out of the house and put on some miles.