Weight Loss

My Graph

Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, 30 October 2006

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Today we had an exciting change. Nate Abbot joined Ben and I on our morning run. Today we did hill running. We drove out to the MTC and ran up the hill around the temple. We did that twice. It was quite a workout for my calves. They are really sore today. We ran 2 miles total, so about a mile of uphill total. It looks like Nate will be joining us on our daily runs.

This weeks training schedule looks like this:
Monday: Hill training
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: Interval Training (Fartlek or Yasso 800s)
Thursday: 3 mile run
Friday: Walk 1.7 miles
Saturday: 5K (usually we will do a long run, but we are running a race)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Marathon Photos

Thursday, October 5

Today we took a rest day, and we only walked 1.7 miles. We decided to do a little 5K later on this month.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday, October 4

We all ran 1.7 miles today. Our paced slowed down to about 10 minute miles. That is good. I would love to run a sub 4 hour marathon, but a much more realistic goal is under 5 hours. If we run at 4:30 then I will have improved my PR by an hour. I would like to lose 30 more pounds by the end of the year. To do that I am going to go run again by myself this evening. I had too much ice cream yesterday, and I have to run it off.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday, October 3

Today we ran stairs at the south of BYU campus. We did 3 sets. I ran up the first set. The second set I jumped up the steps with both feet. The last set I ran up again. Ben and Melissa are more sane than I, so they ran the second set instead of jumping. It didn't kill me, so I guess I am stronger, but I almost wanted to die.

Monday, October 2

Today we started running. We ran 1.7 miles (actually all of our walks have been that far, but I have just been writing 1.5 for simplicity). We ran really fast. Ben has long legs, so I think he paced us quicker than I expected. We were running a pace of about 8 minutes per mile, so it was a pretty quick pace.

Saturday, September 30

Today we changed from our normal 1.5 mile walk. We all hiked up Rock Canyon. It was a little bit warmer today than it has been the past few days. I was so hot that I had to take off my sweatshirt. The view was really great. I am not sure how far we hiked, but it took us about 2.5 hours. It was a beautiful hike with all of the trees and bushes turing red and orange. At the end we could look down the canyon and see the lake. It was great. Melissa is a little concerned about her heart rate getting too high. With her being pregnant, she is not suppose to get above 150/minute. We will ask the midwife about that at our next visit.

Friday, September 29

Melissa, Ben, and I walked 1.5 miles today. I am feeling completely better, and I am looking forward to next week when we start running again. I am excited to be training for a marathon again. I am even more excited that I will have some company. Training with my wife and a good friend makes exercising SO much easier.

Thursday, September 28

Katie didn't wake up in time, but Ben was waiting for us bright and early at 6am. He has been bringing their Husky, Abby, every morning. It is fun to have a dog with us. Melissa and I have talked about bringing Sandie and Maverick, but we decided that the dogs would rather sleep. We walked another 1.5 miles today.

Wednesday, September 27

Katie Harris and Ben Parker both joined us for a 1.5 mile walk again. My legs are feeling much better. I have a slight pain in my ankle. We are going to keep walking for the rest of the week. We leave at 6am every day, and some days I really don't want to get up. I am glad that I have Mel and everyone else to help.

Tuesday, September 26

Melissa and I walked another 1.5 miles. It wasn't as painful as yesterday, but I am still really sore. We are trying to get a group together to exercise.

Monday, September 25

I was really sore from the marathon. Melissa and I walked 1.5 miles, and it helped to losen me up a little bit.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

7 Miles: Wednesday, August 9

Got up at 5:10 am today and ran 7 miles. It was a good run. I can tell that I am slowly getting stronger. It is also nice that I am losing weight. I've lost 19 lbs since the beginning of this year. I am hoping that this week is the week that I get to the 20 lbs mark. Hopefully with the longer runs I will be able to do that and drop some more weight. That is key for me. The more weight that I lose the better off I will be for the marathon. Carrying 5 less pounds makes a huge difference. No more donuts for me.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Big Day on Saturday

This Saturday is going to be a huge day for me. I am doing 20 miles. Completing it will be a huge boost for my confidence. Once I complete this, I feel that I will know that I can do the marathon. All of my training after this Saturday is to help improve time and to better condition my body for the journey.

I am really wanting to lose another 15 lbs before the race. I have lost almost 20 so far. These longer runs, and walking home from work are really helping with that.

I am still walking home from work just about every day. I am resting the rest of this week before my 20 miler this Saturday. Next week will also be a light week (3 miles per day), and I won't walk home. Or if I am hurting then I will just walk home from work.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

6.75 miles: Wednesday, July 12

Today I ran with Chad for the first time. We ran 1.75 miles together. I didn't want to run farther for two reasons. One, this was the first time that I had run since I hurt my knee last week. I don't want to push it and hurt it again. Two, this was Chad's first time to run. I think that he could have gone farther, but I don't want him to get hurt and have to drop out as my running partner.

Then I walked to work (about 2.5 miles), and I will also walk home another (2-3 miles depending on which way I go).

3 miles: Tuesday, July 11

I walked home again today (3 miles). I know walking isn't the same as running, but it does help me shed a few pounds. Every little that I can lower my weight, then it will just be that much easier on my race day. I think that I am finally starting to drop weight again.

Monday, July 10

I didn't run today, but I did walk home from work. That was about 3 miles.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

1.7 Miles: Wednesday, July 5

Today I only did 1.7 miles. I got out about 3/4 of a mile, and my left knee started really hurting. I really wanted to keep running, but I don't want to hurt myself more. I just walked home.

I was going to run 1.7 miles, and then meet up with Chad at his home. We were going to run about 3 miles, and then I wanted to run an additional 3 miles after Chad went home. I showed up late at Chad's pad, because I had to walk back instead of run. Sorry Chad if you were waiting for me.

My knee doesn't hurt to walk, but it did hurt to run. I'm a little nervous about this. It is my first injury on my road to the Marathon.

I am going to take IB Profen. As I have worked with my doctor in the past, we found out that sometimes my knees hurt, but it is only inflammation from exercise. Taking the IB Profen helped in the past, and that is what the doctor recommends. We did a whole bunch of x-rays when I've had this problem in the past, and there is nothing wrong with my knees. So the plan is to rest, and hope that the pain goes away so that I can run the rest of the week. I will probably not run tomorrow, but I may go for a walk if I have time (we are going to a wedding, so it is going to be a busy day).

7.4 miles: Tuesday, July 4

Today I ran 7.4 miles, and I felt really strong at the end of it. I'm excited that I am getting stronger. It was a little crazy, because Provo was getting ready for the parade, and I had to change my route. It was also a little hard dodging all of the people who refused to share the sidewalk, but I am grateful for all of the people that were willing to give up 6 inches of sidewalk for me. Thank you for sharing! It helps to avoid sprained ankles that can come from running on the uneven ground.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

3.2 Miles: Wednesday, June 29

I ran 3.2 miles, but I walked part of it. I'm waking up at 5am, and my body is not happy. At night, I went with the Young Women (provide priesthood support in case of an emergency) to hike the Y. This time it was a lot easier, and it was much nicer in the evening instead of in the heat of the day.

Monday, June 26, 2006

1.7 Miles: Monday, June 26

I ran a short 1.7 miles this morning, but I did it at a fast pace.  I'm trying to get Mel to run with me this evening, too.


Hiked the Y: Saturday, June 24

Melissa and I and the Allen family (Chris, Mandi, and their baby Benjamin) hiked the Y in the hot afternoon sun.  It wasn't a running workout, but it was good exercise for my legs.  Now that school is over for the summer, I can really concentrate on training hard.  Marathon, here I come.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Getting Ready for Finals

I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a while.  I've been busy finishing up this last semester taking exams and working on a major project.  Now I am mostly done.  I have finished the project.  We built instruments to measure the force of a model rocket engine, and we just have to write up the report.  Tomorrow I am going to try and run 14 miles, but I am not sure if it is going to happen, because I have to meet with my group.  I am going to try and do it in the evening.  That is always harder for me.  Starting next week I am hoping to really get going on daily training.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

11.4 miles: Saturday, June 3

Today I ran 11.4 miles, and it hurt. I felt great being able to accomplish it. I got a little lost, and that is why I didn't make it 12 miles. I thought that I had, but when I got home and calculated my new unplanned lost route I was about a half mile short of my goal today. All in all, it was a great training day.

I almost forgot. My friend Chad is wanting to run with me 3 times a week. Between him and Melissa, I will have a lot of help staying on my training schedule.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Training Progress

My training week goes from Saturday through Friday. I have a graph here that shows my planned training mile per week up until the marathon and in pink my actually training miles. As you can see, I did not do as well as I planned. The good thing is that I ran 23.85 miles this training week. The bad thing is that I was suppose to run 34. I am also a little frustrated with my weight. I lost 17 lbs from the beginning of the year, but I have recently put on another 6 as I have increased training. I am fairly confident that this is muscle weight. That is good, but I liked it better when the number on the scale was going down. With the extra muscle, I am hopeful that my metabolism will pick up, and before too long the number on the scale will be going down again.

1.75 Miles: Friday, June 2

Today I was suppose to run 4 miles, but I did not. This is really not the way to get ready for a marathon, but at least I am doing something. I really enjoyed this evening. I conned Melissa into coming with me. She also said that I could get her to come with me 3 times a week for this 1.75 mile run. I think that we are going to do it in the evenings. I have noticed that I run much better early in the morning than in the evening. That makes me happy, because the marathon starts at 7:00am. Thank you Melissa for running with me!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

5.4 Miles: Wednesday, May 31

Today I was suppose to run 8 miles, but I wasn't feeling so hot. I just ran 5.4 miles. Well, to be more accurate, I walked 5.4 miles. I am happy that I at least got out of the house and put on some miles.

Monday, May 29, 2006

8.5 Miles: Monday, May 29

Today I ran about 8.5 miles. I'm not exactly sure the exact mileage, because I got a little lost, but I do know that it was slightly longer than my 8.3 mile route. I felt stronger today. I am excited to be building up mileage. I was stronger today than on Saturday. Tommorrow I am scheduled to ran 8 miles again. I am a little worried about running it without a rest day, but I have to start building up if I am ever going to make it 26.2 miles. I found one flaw about running with a Camelbak, and that is drinking all of the water can really fill your bladder. I had to stop off at Albertson's for a quick rest stop.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

8.3 miles: Saturday, May 27

Today I ran 8.3 miles. It was hard at first, but around mile 4 my body went numb and I felt like I could go on forever. I hit "the zone." It was actually really nice. I am extremely grateful for the camelbak. It really helps me to stay hydrated so that my muscles can keep me moving. Next week is going to be a really challenging week. I am really starting to put on the miles. On the plus side, if I end up joing the marines, a 3 mile run will hardly seem like anything at all.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Training Graph

For those of you who are watching how my progress is coming along, I will start updating a graph showing my planned weekly milage vs my actual weekly mileage. Sometimes planning my training is much more fun than actually doing my training. If anyone out there would like some help working out a training regimine that fits your schedule, then let me know. I would love to help you get going and provide lots of support and encouragement.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday, May 24

I didn't go running again last night, but I did run again today. It was just a quick 1.7 mile run, but at least I got out. It was mostly a speed run. The cold water bath after I ran yesterday really helped me to recover quicker. I didn't have time to do it today after my run, and my legs already feel a little bit more tired. I'm will to accept that the cold water bath may be a placebo effect, but hey it makes me feel better so I'm going to stick to it. Next week I am going to stretch my earlier morning speed workout to 3 miles. If I do that and I don't have time to run in the evening, then at least I've got 3 miles a day. If I do that for 5 days, then I have 15 miles plus my 10 miler on Saturday. 25 miles per week is not great, but at least my body will be getting used to all that pounding. Melissa and I really need to get a hotel reservation pretty soon for the race. September 23 is starting to feel a lot closer for me.

The picture is a picture of the type of new shoes (New Balance) that I got. Thank you again!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New Shoes

I want to thank a very generous person who wishes to remain anonymous for donating money to buy me new running shoes. My old ones got a hole in them that was giving me blisters. I went to a running shoe specialty store and got the perfect new pair of New Balance. I have never had a shoe fit me better. Mega thanks to my secret supporter.

Tuesday, May 23

This morning I ran a quick 1.8 miles. After I ran I soaked in the tub in cold water. It is suppose to help your legs to keep from cramping and from getting sore as much. I do think that it is helping to not feel as tired after my run, but getting in the cold water is NOT very fun. I'm not sure that I will have time to go running again today, but I need to find the time. I have to start building up the miles.

Monday, May 22

Today I went on an early run for 1.75 miles, and then I did it again in the evening. My total for the day was 3.5 miles. My brother might be coming out to Utah this summer. If he does, then we will be running a 5K or a 10K. I am going to start breaking my workout into 2 daily parts. My morning run is more of a speed run to work on gettin a faster pace time. The evening run is going to be a longer, slower run to build endurance. It will also help to get rid of some lactic acid out of my legs from the morning run

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Monday, May 8

Today I ran 3 miles, and I felt really good about it.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Wednesday, May 3

I ran a little over a mile and a half. I'm slowly getting back into the habit. Today I am doing a landscaping job to pick up some more money, and then I am going to see my brother Nathan over at Nicole and Clint's place. That means I probably won't run today, but there is always Friday and Saturday.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Well, I ran today. It was only a 1/2 mile run, but at least I'm back up and running. The weather is starting to get considerably warmer, so I am trying to run early morning and evening to avoid the sun. I should probably concentrate on getting my body accustomed to running in the morning, because the marathon starts at 7am.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Intermission for Finals

Okay, I won't be posting here until after finals. I'm taking a break from running. I just don't have the time to do it while I am studying 24/7 to pass finals. I'll still be doing some light weights and aerobics, but no runs until the end of the semester. Everyone out there watching my progress or lack thereof, don't panic. I'm not giving up. I'll be right back in there at the end of April beginning of May.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday, 11 April

I started the day with a very fast strength program. I do plan on running later. It was raining this morning. I kept this extremely fast and light, so that I will have energy to run this evening.
30 pushups
30 situps
Shoulders (front) 30 * 5lbs
Shoulders (side) 30 * 5lbs
Tricept 30*5lbs

Monday, April 10

Today I didn't run, but I wasn't scheduled to do it. Instead I did a light strength program.
100 situps
50 pushups
30 bicept curls (20 lbs)
30 dumbell press ( 25 lbs)

I'm using really light weights, but trying to do more reps with decreased recovery time. This is to help increase endurance. That is my ultimate goal with the marathon training. I don't want to bulk, just streamline, so I will continue to use very light weights.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

2.6 Miles, Saturday, April 8

Well, I finally got out and running again. I didn't run far, but I was carrying 10 lb pack, so that did make it a little harder. I guess the really good thing is that I am out running again. Now I just have to make sure that I run 3 times a week. That is what really made the long distances easier.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thursday, April 6

It is snowing outside today. The weatherman said that it should stop this afternoon, but I'm not sure that I trust him. I hope that it does. If it doesn't, then I guess I could do aerobics again, but I should probably go to the indoor track. I really hate running inside. I just need to make sure that I do something. I can't get lazy!

Wednesday, April 5

I did 40 minutes of step aerobics with weights. It was raining, so I did not go for my run. I feel bad about that, but at least I am doing something again. This is actually a really good workout to help my legs get stronger for the marathon.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday, March 31

I have not given up on my training! I just had a bad 2 weeks, but the good thing is that this time was suppose to be light running. I had no long runs scheduled. The bad news is that I did have about 6 short runs that I did schedule that fell through. I'm not sure if I can run today. I have to drive Melissa to work, because she is a cripple now. Maybe what I will do is to run up in that neighborhood. I wouldn't mind a new neighborhood to run in, especially one that lacks drugs and gang activity. Tomorrow I will for sure do my long run. I believe that I have a 8 miler scheduled, but I will have to double check. A special thank you to Julie for laying in the guilt ;-)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday, March 21

Today I did aerobics again, and I ran for 1.8 miles. This is a really easy workout, but I like it for my busy days. I had wanted to do swimming for cross training on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it is too hard to wake up at 5am so that I can drive to the pool. Running and aerobics, I can just do it. I don't have to go somewhere for it. I used to think that gyms were really great, but now I am starting to not think that anymore. I like exercise that I can do at home.

Monday, March 20

Today I did aerobics for 30 minutes, and then I went on a 1.7 mile run. Nothing big, but I'm just trying let my body recover from Saturday's long run.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

8.2 miles: Saturday, March 18

Today I ran 8.2 miles. This is getting fun, because everytime I increase my long run on Saturday, I can honestly say that is the farthest that I have ever run in my life. Sometimes it is disheartening to see people whiz by me, but I remind myself, "Jared you have already gone 5 miles. It's ok to go slow." It is particulary bad close to BYU campus. I have noticed that many people there are running to impress people of the opposite sex. They see someone who they think is cute, and so they start sprinting as if to prove that they are in good shape. Sometimes I think that they are looking at me and thinking, "If you are going to get a date, then you better run faster." I think right back at them, "I'm married. I already know who I'm taking out Friday night."

On a more serious note, I am still injury free. I take IBProfen before and after each long run. Also I have started eating when I get back. My mom told me of an article in a running magazine that taught the hour after your run is the most critical to help your body recover. Today I got back and had lots of water, waffles, apple, 3 home-made wheat bread slices, and 2 pieces of garlic bread. I have to admit that I did feel a lot better after eating. Usually I wait, because I have no appetite after running. I think eating helped, and if it was just a placebo affect, then hey thank you to the placebo. Either way I'm going to keep it up.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Wednesday, March 15

Okay, I have been bad about my training this week. Today I did do some step aerobics for about 20 minutes. It was actually a lot harder than I expected, but Melissa pointed out to me that my "step" was probably twice as tall as what people normally use.

I got my registration confirmation for the Top of Utah Marathon. The buses take us to the start of the race from 5-5:45. What I want to know is what we are going to be doing in the canyon for an hour until the race starts. Melissa informed me that she is going to be sleeping (Spectators are only allowed on the last 12 miles of the course).

I need to get a hotel room for the 22 Sept, because I don't want to have to drive out to Logan on the day of the race. We would have to get up at 3am or so to do that. I need an easy button for life.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

7.2 miles-Saturday, March 11

Today was my long run day, and it went really well. Last week I was pushing it to run 7 miles, but this week it didn't strain me too much. I took IB Profen before I ran, and my knees don't hurt. I felt really good about today's run. I felt strong after I fished like I could keep going on forever. I think that I am going to work on drinking more water everyday of the week. If I drink my 8 glasses everyday during the week, then I will be very hydrated before my run. That should help me on my long runs. I have been bidding on camelbaks and immitations on ebay, so I hope to get a cheap one before too long.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Rest-Friday, March 10

Today is a scheduled rest day which is good, because my knees are a little sore. I forgot to take IB Profen yesterday before I ran. I can feel it today. I am going to run this one marathon, but I think after this that I am going to switch to triathalons. They sound a little bit easier on my knees, and I want to be able to run for many years yet to come.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I made it out Today

Okay, I did make it out for a 4.5 mile run today. I should have done a 5 mile run, but it was close enough. The sun came out and melted most of the snow on the sidewalks. There were some spots were I had to slow down and step very closely, but for the most part I could go my slow and steady pace. I hope that the roads are clear on Saturday. That is my big run, and running in the snow is impossible.

Thursday, March 9

Ok, today I am a little upset at the weather. I got up at 6 am for a 7 mile run, but it dumped quite a few inches of snow last night. If I had known that, then I would have gotten up a little earlier to go swimming. I guess that I just need to wake up at 5:30 every day just in case. If the snow melts during the day, then I will run this evening. Man, do I need a remote control for the weather.

Lazy, Wednesday, March 8

Well, I didn't go running today. I had other things to do, but I am feeling guilty about not running. It is hard to balance my time. I am just not very good at it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday, March 7

Today I was suppose to go swimming, but I was too lazy to wake up at 5:30am. I decided to just do a really short 1.8 mile run, but I did run it a bit faster than my normal marathon pace. I have been looking for camelbaks and imitations on ebay to get an idea of how much one might cost there, but I think that I will wait until after my birthday.

Monday, March 6

I ran 3.2 miles today. It felt good to run off some of the lactic acid that was in my legs. The weather is getting much warmer which is nice. I need to figure out what I am going to wear on race day. It starts up in the mountains and ends in the valley, so it can go from cold to hot from the beginning to end of the race.

Rest-Sunday, March 5

Sundays are my rest day which is good because I was feeling really sore. My knees are especially achy, and that worries me a bit.

Saturday, March 4

Well, I am officially registered for the Top of Utah Marathon that is in Logan. The big news is that I ran 7.2 miles today. I did 1/4 of a marathon, so I am slowly making progress. I get dehydrated too easily, so I am looking into buying a camelbak or something like that. Also on my longer runs, my knees hurt a little bit, so I am going to start taking IBProfen before my longer runs.