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Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, 30 October 2006

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Today we had an exciting change. Nate Abbot joined Ben and I on our morning run. Today we did hill running. We drove out to the MTC and ran up the hill around the temple. We did that twice. It was quite a workout for my calves. They are really sore today. We ran 2 miles total, so about a mile of uphill total. It looks like Nate will be joining us on our daily runs.

This weeks training schedule looks like this:
Monday: Hill training
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: Interval Training (Fartlek or Yasso 800s)
Thursday: 3 mile run
Friday: Walk 1.7 miles
Saturday: 5K (usually we will do a long run, but we are running a race)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Marathon Photos

Thursday, October 5

Today we took a rest day, and we only walked 1.7 miles. We decided to do a little 5K later on this month.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday, October 4

We all ran 1.7 miles today. Our paced slowed down to about 10 minute miles. That is good. I would love to run a sub 4 hour marathon, but a much more realistic goal is under 5 hours. If we run at 4:30 then I will have improved my PR by an hour. I would like to lose 30 more pounds by the end of the year. To do that I am going to go run again by myself this evening. I had too much ice cream yesterday, and I have to run it off.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday, October 3

Today we ran stairs at the south of BYU campus. We did 3 sets. I ran up the first set. The second set I jumped up the steps with both feet. The last set I ran up again. Ben and Melissa are more sane than I, so they ran the second set instead of jumping. It didn't kill me, so I guess I am stronger, but I almost wanted to die.

Monday, October 2

Today we started running. We ran 1.7 miles (actually all of our walks have been that far, but I have just been writing 1.5 for simplicity). We ran really fast. Ben has long legs, so I think he paced us quicker than I expected. We were running a pace of about 8 minutes per mile, so it was a pretty quick pace.

Saturday, September 30

Today we changed from our normal 1.5 mile walk. We all hiked up Rock Canyon. It was a little bit warmer today than it has been the past few days. I was so hot that I had to take off my sweatshirt. The view was really great. I am not sure how far we hiked, but it took us about 2.5 hours. It was a beautiful hike with all of the trees and bushes turing red and orange. At the end we could look down the canyon and see the lake. It was great. Melissa is a little concerned about her heart rate getting too high. With her being pregnant, she is not suppose to get above 150/minute. We will ask the midwife about that at our next visit.

Friday, September 29

Melissa, Ben, and I walked 1.5 miles today. I am feeling completely better, and I am looking forward to next week when we start running again. I am excited to be training for a marathon again. I am even more excited that I will have some company. Training with my wife and a good friend makes exercising SO much easier.

Thursday, September 28

Katie didn't wake up in time, but Ben was waiting for us bright and early at 6am. He has been bringing their Husky, Abby, every morning. It is fun to have a dog with us. Melissa and I have talked about bringing Sandie and Maverick, but we decided that the dogs would rather sleep. We walked another 1.5 miles today.

Wednesday, September 27

Katie Harris and Ben Parker both joined us for a 1.5 mile walk again. My legs are feeling much better. I have a slight pain in my ankle. We are going to keep walking for the rest of the week. We leave at 6am every day, and some days I really don't want to get up. I am glad that I have Mel and everyone else to help.

Tuesday, September 26

Melissa and I walked another 1.5 miles. It wasn't as painful as yesterday, but I am still really sore. We are trying to get a group together to exercise.

Monday, September 25

I was really sore from the marathon. Melissa and I walked 1.5 miles, and it helped to losen me up a little bit.